Poppy and Hiccup
Born on 10/6/2023
3 Females and 2 Males
Poppy is a lovely AKC small standard poodle. She has a very spunky personality and dances when she walks. Poppy is an excellent mother and has produced wonderful puppies for us. This is her last litter.
Hiccup is an ASDR toy Australian Shepherd. He has a fun, goofy personality and makes me laugh with his antics. This is Hiccup's first litter and we are very happy with his offspring.
Female Two
Reserved, Katy, Spokane, WA.
Exceptional coloring and outstanding temperament. This pretty girl is confident, playful, and very people-oriented. She loves to run and explore and is pretty busy. She always makes time to hang out and get some love and give kisses.
Male One:
Reserved, Christopher, Nevada
This pretty boy has the softest, silky coat that just shines. He is larger in size and takes after his mom. His personality is super friendly and he is one of the first to greet me. He is going to be a charmer. He will be bigger than a miniature (small standard).
Male Two: reserved, Mike, Kuna ID.
This little male is a true gem with spectacular coloring and a temperament to match. He's super friendly, always eager to greet with a warm heart and a wagging tail.
Female One
Reserved Bryan, Kenniwick Wa.
Dark Brown with white markings and blue/green eyes. This pretty girl is the most outgoing puppy in the litter and her tail doesn't stop wagging.
Female Three
Reserved, Todd, North Bend, WA.
The smallest puppy in the litter. This pretty girl is a nice mixture of playful and reserved. She had bright blue eyes and copper highlights.